
Dental Bridges Las Vegas

Revive Your Smile with Las Vegas Dental Bridges at Comfy Dental Care

Welcome to Comfy Dental Care, where your comfort and oral health are our utmost priorities. If you're dealing with missing teeth and seeking a reliable and aesthetically pleasing solution, our dental bridges could be the answer you've been looking for.

Our experienced dentists are dedicated to providing top-notch dental bridges in Las Vegas, restoring your smile and your confidence with care and expertise.

Don't let missing teeth impact your quality of life. Book your consultation now and take the first step toward a more confident and radiant smile. Let us help you bridge the gap to a happier, healthier you!

What Are Dental Bridges?

Dental bridges are prosthetic devices used in dentistry to replace one or more missing teeth. They consist of one or more artificial teeth, known as pontics, anchored between natural teeth or dental implants on either side of the gap.

Dental bridges serve both cosmetic and functional purposes by restoring the appearance of a complete smile and improving chewing and speaking abilities. They help maintain the alignment of adjacent teeth, prevent teeth from shifting, and distribute bite forces evenly. 

Dental bridges are a durable and time-tested solution for tooth replacement, offering patients a more stable and aesthetically pleasing alternative to removable dentures.

Different Types of Dental Bridges in Las vegas

When it comes to dental bridges in Las vegas, we offer a range of options to suit your unique needs:-

  1. Traditional Dental Bridges: These bridges consist of one or more artificial teeth (pontics) anchored to adjacent natural teeth using dental crowns. They are a reliable and time-tested solution for replacing missing teeth, providing excellent stability and aesthetics.
  2. Cantilever Bridges: Cantilever bridges are a variation of traditional bridges, typically used when there is only one adjacent tooth available for support. They are a suitable choice for certain cases, providing a fixed replacement option.
  3. Maryland Bonded Bridges: Also known as resin-bonded bridges, these are a conservative option ideal for replacing front teeth. They involve minimal alteration to adjacent teeth, with the pontic attached using wings or metal bands.
  4. Implant-Supported Bridges: For those seeking the most stable and long-lasting solution, implant-supported bridges offer unparalleled support and durability. Dental implants act as secure anchors for the bridge, ensuring exceptional chewing ability and aesthetics.

Our dedicated team will assess your specific case and recommend the most suitable type of dental bridge to meet your needs and preferences.

Benefits Of Las Vegas Dental Bridges

A dental bridge has a number of advantages, including the fact that it looks just like your natural teeth and is permanent. You will be able to avoid jaw problems, maintain your youthful appearance, and chew without any difficulty once the bridge is set.

Treatment Procedure Used For Dental Bridges in Las Vegas

Our dental bridge treatment process is designed to be seamless and efficient. Here's what you can expect -

  1. Consultation: Your journey for getting  dental bridges in Las Vegas begins with a thorough examination and consultation. Our expert dentist will evaluate your oral health, discuss your goals, and recommend the most suitable dental bridge type for you.
  2. Preparation: For traditional bridges, the adjacent teeth (abutment teeth) will be prepared by removing a small amount of enamel to accommodate dental crowns. Impressions of your teeth will also be taken for precise bridge fabrication.
  3. Temporary Bridge: While your custom bridge is being crafted in our dental lab, we'll provide you with a temporary bridge to maintain aesthetics and function.
  4. Fitting: Once your dental bridge is ready, we'll ensure it fits perfectly and looks natural. The bridge will be securely bonded or attached to the abutment teeth.
  5. Final Adjustments: Our Dental bridges dentist in Las Vegas will make any necessary final adjustments to ensure your bite and comfort are optimal.
  6. Enjoy Your New Smile: With your new dental bridge in place, you can once again enjoy a complete and confident smile, improved chewing ability, and enhanced oral health.

The dentist will notify you to schedule an appointment to have the temporary bridge removed and the permanent bridge fitted and cemented. We use metal bands to secure the abutment teeth to the pontic in resin-bonded dental bridges.

Schedule Your Consultation Now To Revitalize Your Smile

For someone who loves Las Vegas and is looking for the best dentist in Las Vegas to get their dental bridges done, we recommend you to go for Comfy Dental in Las Vegas if you want quality and dependable dental works done. 

For more information about Comfy Dental and what all they have in store for you, jump into their official website right away and book your appointment. 


803 S 7th St

Las Vegas, NV 89101

(702) 869-8200

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Monday 10:00am-7:00pm

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